

hi charlie and nancy

At 10:18 1999/01/29 -0600, charlie wrote, in part:
>"...But medical ethicist Arthur Caplan of the University of
>Pennsylvania Health System believes placebo surgery is unethical.
>... But Caplan said patients with advanced Parkinson's disease
>'are so desperate they will sign up for anything.' "...
>Caplan is dead wrong on this.  All subjects are told that the
>placebo surgery is possibly going to occur and understand the risk...
>> and nancy wrote, in part:
>> ...This is followed by a brief pro and con discussion among ethicists.
>> In general, it is is positive article under a negative headline.

this 'sensationalist' emphasis was very distracting
in the Wall Street Journal article and NBC news segment
about the fetal cell implants that our own Ruth Ashley has had

the important question to me as a parkinsonian was
"do the implants work?"

i believe that the answer in Ruth's case was a positive one
but that vital message was virtually shuffled aside

for those with wwweb access who want to know more
take a look at the pd list archives at:
using the search criteria
"ruth ashley"


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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