

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses         01  deg. F   :-)
dear listmembers,

when your annual social security is 8244 us doollars and you spent 2200
us dollars to go see a doctor in another state at  a famous clinic and
the clinic won't help you you become desperate.

NPF must re-pay me i have been abused

i have scrounged sneakers on Friday mornings off streetside garbage piles
before  trucks pickup
i have  recently found  my boots similarly
it took two months to locate and buy one simple pair of winter longjohns
this is the truth

fashion is cool if you have bucks to spare
whereas holes in your jeans are brutal when it's -01 deg. Fahrenheit

the NPF could help, but they choose NOT to.

ivan suzman

if you are asking yourself,ivan, why bring this up,?? it is because the
NPF could end my suffering, but they  havechosen to pretend i will die
and go away.

ivan suzman