


My name is Peter Williams and have just joined this info. exchange.  I
am seeking info. regarding how long sinemet has been able to control
your PD symptoms adequately enough to enable you to continue working in
your chosen profession.  I realize that this is a very simplistic
question for such a complicated issue, but  at this stage am just trying
to get a general idea about what to expect as I approach needing to use
this medication.  If additional medication(s) were part of your program
please identify them.  For the purposes of this question I would like to
exclude continuation of your work that was made possible by any ADA type

I am 50 years old and was diagnosed 2 years ago.  My symptomology is
dominated by fatigue, with slowness of movement, stiffness, and right
side dexterity problems (handwriting, shaving, etc), as well as a
intermittant tremor in my right hand and arm.  I am a front line
supervisor operating a public water system.  I work mainly at a desk but
am expected to be able to perform all of the physical duties and field
work necessary to keep the system operating.  I need to work at least 5
more years to ensure an adequate pension.  As of now I have not
disclosed my illness to my employer, although I suspect at least some of
my co-workers have noticed changes in my gait.

I've used eldepryl without any significant benefit and am currently
using amantadine which has helped somewhat with the stiffness.  My
neurologist feels that sinemet is the next best step.  I've read from
various sources that the effectiveness of sinemet varies on average from
2-5 years before side-effects become an issue.  What has been your
experience?  Your feedback on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks. Peter W.