


I know you have a long and distinguished career as a political activist but
it is not the only way to resolve matters.  In fact in this case political
action is not only inappropriate it would be tantamount to using a
steamroller to deliberately kill a specific ant.  You ask why NPF is
withholding payment of the $2200.  I would suppose it is because they still
don't believe they owe it to you. As I recall (from a year ago, 2 years
ago?) they take the position that your visit to Florida involved more than
just the appointment with their doctor, and consequently they are not liable
for your costs.

No one on this list is in any position to judge the merits of the respective
arguments, which is why it is unfair of you to ask us to take sides.  The
right place to resolve this is the small claims court. Dale has generously
offered to pay the fees involved in making a claim.  All that appears to
prevent you proceeding with the claim is that "(you) do not believe in suing
Parkinson's organisations.  That is totally out of (your) belief system".
Given that :

1)  it is unfair to ask us to take sides in a disputed matter,

2) it is out of proportion ask us to expend energy at a global level to
resolve a personal matter when a simple alternative (the small claims court)

3) the small claims court represents your best chance of recovering any
money which may be owing to you, and

4) Dale has offered to pay the court fees,

I can only suggest that you give your anti-suing principal some further

Dale made the comment,  "Ivan you add a lot to this list and you have many
sympathic friends here. But your continued comments about your problem with
the NPF diminish your stature and (the)respect which you enjoy on the list."
Believe him Ivan, its the absolute truth.

Dennis Greene 49/dx 37/ onset 32
There's nothing wrong with me that a cure for PD won't fix!
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, 1 February 1999 3:51
Subject: Re: Dale Severance's defense of NPF

> Dale,
> The last thing I would do is to create conflict between us.  I in fact
>also do extensive volunteer work here in Portland, with the  PD community
>and hospital social workers,  as an advocate and educator.
> Dale, we are all grateful to you, and I honor your efforts. The pictures
>you gave me at the Forum , and of the New York ball of string project,
>are now in my photo album.
>The problem is that I have been wronged by the NPF. Melinda Brown
>publically admitted it was the NPF's fault, in October, 1997, on our
>List. It is essential to understand  that  I have a much lower income
>level than most families on the list.  I cannot afford to lose $2200.00 ;
>my annual income is $8244.00. I am still waiting for a financial payment
>from Miami.  Why is it still withheld??
>You are a lawyer. I am not. Maybe YOU have a way to resolve this painful
>In any case, I do not believe in suing Parkinson's organizations.  That
>is totally out of my belief system.    Why divide us up when unity is our
>Dale,  what I am saying by boycott is, that if enough people suspend
>their financial support for the NPF, including you, the NPF
>decision-makers would compensate me for the $2200 loss, and that would be
>the end of the conflict.
>Ivan Suzman
>On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 10:46:06 EST Dale Severance <[log in to unmask]>
>>Dear Ivan and List Friends:
>>Ivan you pissed me off this morning which is no good for my
>PD....(CUT)....(Continued).... But you're continued comments about your
>problem with the NPF diminish
>>your stature and respect, which you enjoy on the list.
>>Now I have said it Its off my chest. I feel better
>^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
> Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
> Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)