

One reponder sent:
Gruber,  Willian,. Comic Theaters: Studies in Performance and Audience
Response. U of Georgia P, 1986.
Smith, Bruce R. Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage

          1700. Princeton UP, 1988.
Ruggiers, Paul G. Versions of Medieval Comedy. U of Oklahoma P, 1977.
Other Responses:
Steggle, Matthew. Wars of the Theatres: The Poetics of Personation in the Age
of Jonson. Victoria: English Literary Studies, 1998. (Dr. Matthew Steggle,
Lecturer in English, Sheffield Hallam University. Tel: (home) 0115 925 4122
Another response:
Salinger, Leo. Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy. Cambridge: UP, 1974.
Doran, Madeleine. Endeavors of Art. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1954.
Nevo, Ruth. Comic Transformations in Shakespeare. Methuen: 1980.
Gum, Colburn. The Aristophanic Comedies of Ben Jonson. Mouton, 1969
Another response:
Miola, Robert S. Shakespeare's Rome. New York: Cambridge, 1983.