

Dear List Members:
I juat spent a frustrating hour sifting through over 70 pieces of mail.
Usually, I can always glean at least one or two gems worth saving and several
I find interesting, comical or on a topic I feel I can contribute to.
But today, my delete key is the only one I hit.
I am so tired of hearing the debate over Ivan/NPF, I will not even express
an opinion for fear of fostering further discussion. I do feel that it is
has been blown way out of proportion to it's importance to the list.
For those people who feel compelled to express their religous views at
length; I suggest they find a newslist designed for that purpose. I do
understand references of a general nature to God, but I come here to learn,
share and gain and give support to people with PD. I do not want to be preached
to or waste my time. When I sign off feeling worse than when I sign in I start
ro question what is happening to our solidarity. We all have one enemy and
we all know what that is. So enough preaching and bitchin', please.

Bill Harrington