

Oh Dennis! This is too much!  My selfish response is DON'T LEAVE US !  We
DO need you!
My head tells me you know best what you need to do---but you must know I am
VERY sad to read your post.......first  Judith, now you---if you think you
GIVE nothing, you are, my friend, sadly mistaken.  I was going to send this
offlist, as I did to Judith, but decided to send it to the list, FWIW.

Dennis wrote in part:
>On the 17th July 1997 I wrote:
.  As for me, if the day ever
>comes when I feel that not only am I not getting anything
>from being here, but ALSO that I am not giving anything
>to the list,  I shall fold my tents, say my goodbyes and
>leave. Why would I stay? Why would you want me to?"
>Well I guess that time is here.

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
<[log in to unmask]>

                              "In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,
                                     implicit and invisible as roots."

                                   from: "Leaving the Garden"--CHF