

Friends-- some time ago I wrote ( and perhaps posted to the list?) this short poem which was the result of a PD crisis my dear husband Peter suffered---actually, we did of course "suffer it" together. I offer it as a small reminder of why we are all here, and what we have in common, despite our wonderful, and often frustrating, diversity. PalatinoLIFE ON THE EDGE With eyes closed, I see us------ standing on cliff-edge, clinging together. (Not yet in free-fall, but so close at times I almost sense the terror that would bring---- earth giving way beneath us, rush of air, impact of loss----) Today, we step back and are saved. Tomorrow ? -----Camilla H.Flintermann 5/18/95 Camilla Hewson Flintermann <<[log in to unmask]> "...everywhere I go, I find that a poet has been there before me..." ...Sigmund Freud