

Dear Ann, etal,

I am copying our conversation to the list since others might find it

At 10:11 AM 2/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Jane--On January 25th you wrote the list about your father and
>mentioned that he was taking Cylert. I assume this is a med to
>counter the extreme fatigue PWP experience. My husband also has great
>fatigue and I am interested in knowing anything more you can tell me
>about Cylert. My husband has only been diagnosed since late March
>1997 (less than 2 years), but I feel it is galloping along and would
>welcome any positive input from you. Thank you very much.
>Ann Gibbons  cg/Joe  64/22 months

Right at the moment, Cylert is the only med my father is taking, having
rejected all the other typical PD drugs.  Cylert does nothing for his PD
symptoms.  However, it does seem to keep him more alert.  Even before his
diagnosis, when he was very active, he used to doze off all the time.  It
was not unusual to find him asleep in a half-finished bowl of cereal!
Since diagnosis, he seemed to need a nap every afternoon.

He started on Cylert in November.  He takes one pill at breakfast and one
at lunch.  Any later in the day is not recommended because it could
interfere with night time rest.  I believe each pill is 18.25mg.  Once it
really began to take effect, we realized that he was no longer dozing off
during the day and did not need a nap.  His focus is much improved (he no
longer falls asleep when I'm talking to him!).

The pharmacy handout describes Cylert as a drug primarily used for
Attention Deficit Disorder in children.  I searched the Parkinsn List Drug
Database at
and found a 5-page description of the drug which I won't try to reprise
here.  It is generically known as pemoline and listed as a stimulant.

Cylert has been quite useful for my father.  I had no other responses to my
note about it here, so I can only assume that it is not being used by other
PD sufferers on the list.  For those who suffer from extreme fatique, it
may be worth a discussion with your doctor.

Jane Koenig
(daughter of Fred, 80/2)
Marietta, GA