

hi all

i am hereby consciously committing two cardinal cyber-sins:
     1. repeating joan's entire message from tip to toe
     2. adding a "me-too!" at the end

why am i doing this?
because i think it is important
why else?

read or delete
it is your, gentle reader, prerogative


At 14:00 1999/02/03 -0600, joan snyder wrote:
>Hello Fellow list-survivors: First of all, Janet, welcome back-please
>don't ever stay away that long again; love ya! Second, I've been called
>many things in my life but this an historic 1st-I'm referring to Bob
>Chapman's post & being called a right-winger!!! My old hippie blood is
>having a riot with that one altho I don't suppose you meant me in
>particular, but I must plead guilty (sorry Barb-love you too!) to
>mentioning God in my posts:))) I have to because He is a full-partner in
>my marriage, in my disease & in my family. I try very hard not to preach
>about something that is to me very personal, but to avoid speaking His
>name because it is deemed politically incorrect would be like avoiding
>speaking the names of my husband & is just a fact of my
>life! So, to those of you who don't share my faith-so what???!!! I don't
>get it...what's the big deal?? I can tell you that my view is to
>CELEBRATE DIVERSITY. We have so many things to be thankful for-this
>wonderful forum where our diversity can be explored and made for all to
>see-a thing of joy & humanity! I am overcoming alot of self-doubts to
>post this (I usually don't like to get involved in anything
>confrontational). I too, miss Dennis & Judith-but it's going to become
>alot more empty, I'm afraid, if we don't just GET OVER IT!!! and get
>back to the business of being caring human beings to each other.
>Joan E. Snyder (47-8-10) <[log in to unmask]>
>"In the depths of winter I finally learned there
>was in me an invincible summer" Albert Camus


your pwp webring sibling

janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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