

Hi all,

        I thought I might de-lurk again for an observation and a ques-
     tion ...

        Observation: It is interesting to me, in my many years of  In-
     ternet mailing list experience, to note that all mailing lists --
     regardless of topic -- are essentially the same and they  all  go
     through similar phases (even the one *I* administrate).

        Question:   I feel a need to participate in some kind of exer-
     cise program.  But, I am in a "catch-22."  Anything more  than  a
     lively walk will precipitate more severe tremors in me.  The meds
     are keeping the tremors at bay (for the most part),  but  when  I
     exert  myself  physically,  the meds are of little practical use.
     If I don't exercise, I'm going to get fatter; If I  do  exercise,
     my  tremors  get  worse.   I'm darned if I do and I'm darned if I
     don't. :-/  Are their any PWP-friendly exercises anyone can  sug-
     gest?  I used to like to do Hatha Yoga -- does any other PWP have
     experiences they can relate with yoga?

        I'll go back and lurk to see if anybody has any practical  ad-
     vice.  Thanks, take care, grok in fullness ...

  ...who loves J.C.M.'s Tee-shirt that says "Curb your dogma."
.___. William A. ....._..._ .......7177 Heritage Drive+------------------+
| _ \__ _ _ _ _ _ ___| |_| |_ ___ .Westchester........|            (42?) |
|  _/ _` | '_| '_/ -_)  _|  _/ -_).OH 45069-4012......|   ___MMM___ /    |
|_| \__,_|_| |_| \___|\__|\__\___|.513/779-0780.......|     (0-0)        |
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