

Phil---I expect that the "random jersey movements" which puzzled you may
actually be a  version of the infamous "florida floats", in which various
important objects become detached from their moorings and drift about the
countryside.  The resident expert on these is of course Ken Becker,
Floridian, who may be able to enlighten us as to the connection. Since FL
is at some diatance from NJ,  it will take an expert like Ken to make the
appropriate connection!
I await his response with baited (ooops--bated) breath.    LOL and ROFL,
your friend,

(OR could it be that Charlie thinks  NewJersians  are "jerks"???)

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !