

Will, you wrote.........
> Entacapone [Comtess in Europe, etc. and Comtan in the USA] is similar to
> Tasmar in that it is a COMT enzyme inhibitor.  Tasmar appears to be the
> more potent drug from my viewpoint because it crosses  the blood/brain
> barrier and therefore protects the levodopa where no other drug protects
> it. Carbidopa and bensarizide  both stop at the barrier.  Tolcapone is a
> help, but I am uncertain as to whether one would be just as well off with
> just more levodopa instead.
I was on Tasmar for 22 months, tapered off from 200mg. 3 X day to 100
mg. 3X day for the month of Nov. and then titrated off completely in
Dec.   Would one be just as well off with more levadopa??  Been
there, done that.  The answer is an unequivacol NO in my opinion.

All the best.............Murray
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