

Hi Janet,
You wrote......and  jeannette wrote, in part:
> >...I, too, had a frozen and painful left shoulder and after
> >unsuccessful cortizone shots by MD was referred to a neuro who
> >after a process of elimination diagnosed possible PD and SINEMETCR
> >therapy began and I returned to exercising and my shldr improved.
> >Was the improvement from exercise or SINEMETCR or both?  I don't
> >know.  Probably some of both....
> i would venture a guess that it was the dopamine in the sinemet
And I would lean towards "stretching" being at least 50%
> if i am dopamine dis-advantaged
> a repetitive movement like typing will become slower and slower
> as the muscles involved get tighter and tighter
> [which is what i relate to a muscle cramp]
> i can't imagine trying to exercise an already cramped muscle
> but i could be wrong here
I wouldn't call ya wrong, but I will offer another opinion...........
 Many people think of "exercise" as multiple repetitions involving a
"load".  Some exercise also takes place with gentle movements and
stretches and that is the sort of thing I use to relieve muscle
cramps.  Medication can help but medication alone is definitely not
the answer.  I also experience shoulder problems.  My physiotherapist
assigned stretches and exercises to mobilize my shoulder.  I prefer
physiotherapy as a first line defense in movement/muscle problems.
> in my case this tightness can only be relieved by meds:
> when dopamine-enhanced,
> i find that my tight muscles 'melt' and 'loosen' back to normal
I agree that when my meds are working and I'm "on" I feel relaxed and
as normal as it gets........
> janet
All the best janet & jeannette.............Murray

ps: Glad your sabbatical was tres short!
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