

> From:          "Charles T. Meyer, M.D." <[log in to unmask]>
> To:            [log in to unmask]
> Subject:       Re: QUESTIONS

> While I am a psychiatrist with PD, not a neurologist and obviously not
> having seen your mother-in-law I can state some general opinions.  I am
> also forwarding a copy of this letter to Bob Fink who is a neurosurgeon
> and might be able to speak to some of these issues.

Not a lot of time today, but my thoughts are:

1. Normal pressure hydrocephalus is a reasonable bet.  It is
treatable with a shunt.  Lumbar puncture with an isotope study
appears indicated.

2. I agree with Dr. Meyer's recommendations.  Get the second
neurologist to put the recommendations in writing.  Appeal the
decision of the HMO *immediately* (you may have a time limit) and do
that *in writing* also.  Get the "Gatekeeper" physician (probably the
primary care doc) to do this.  If he won't do it, *you* do it.

3. If this fails, then get the attorney to write a letter.  It should
go to the primary care doc as well as to the HMO.  The primary care
doc is at more (legal) risk here than is the HMO because the HMO is
generally protected by a Federal Law called ERISA (complicated).




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