

My Dear Barb:

Ken isn't around is he?  OK,  well I had another thought about the grow your
own and that but what about expanding.
I wondered with the way the world is and everyone being overworked maybe a do
it yourself deep stimulation surgery outfit.  Now I can never afford that but
think my daughter took biology in school might work.  I thought of a home
autopsy kit to but that just goes beyond the realm of sane.

I don't know I will have think about this and if you believe Ken isn't doing
the business much good I seem to remember a movie never mind.  We could move
the business!!!!!

I'll be thinking and get back to you.

Love ya

Here is a Hug your get this one
I found a friend when I came here
I found a place to rest and be
to be just as I am, drooling,
falling, bumps on my head from hitting
legs swollen, stuttering, shaking
loving, caring, compassionate,
funny (to some), gentle, soaring
You accepted the outside and the inside
you let me be just me

and I accept all of you

To coin a phrase that means all to me  "Carpe Diem"
and United we stand and divided we fall
Lets not fall for I can't make it without you
The world outside does not look kindly on me
