

On the 17th July 1997 I wrote:

"Finally, as I see it, the real question in regard to the list
is "do I belong to   it for what I can get out of it, or for
what I can give to it?"  For most of us the answer will
be a balance of the two.  We join for what help we can
get.  With time we find ourselves giving more and more.
Hopefully a balance evolves.  As for me, if the day ever
comes when I feel that not only am I not getting anything
from being here, but ALSO that I am not giving anything
to the list,  I shall fold my tents, say my goodbyes and
leave. Why would I stay? Why would you want me to?"

Well I guess that time is here.  My tents are folded and all that is left is
the goodbyes, and of course the "thank yous" to the many, many people on
this list who have reached out in friendship, touched my life and made it
easier to live.  I suspect that 6 months or a year from now I may well feel
the need to touch base here again so I'll say au revoir not adieu.

I came with Tennyson,  I'll leave with me:


We will know we're no longer children
when we can finally see
that all roads are crossroads
on the way to Calvary;

that tears and smiles can mingle,
that dusk can look like dawn,
and all of us are hurting
who struggle with the storm."


Dennis Greene
There's nothing wrong with me that a cure for PD won't fix!
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