

Dear List,

I wish I had not reacted and sent the post to the list the other day. I
believe what I said is true, however, I could have been less emotional
and more thoughtful.  I have been reading with great interest about
people being fed up with the list and that it would be better for them
to leave.  I left the list about 6 months ago, and there has not been a
day I don't think of Barb Mallut, Camilla Flintermann, Judith Richards,
Dennis Greene, Ken Becker, Barbara Blake-Krebs, Hilary Blue, John
Cottingham, Jeanette Fuhr, Gina Cass, Janet Patterson, Charley Myers,
Dr. Fink, Mary Manfredi and so many others.

I am coming back to the list, just as others are leaving. I hope and
yes, pray(sorry Barb) , that my post about Ivan did not have an effect
on any of these decisions.  And, although I will apologize for the
strong language I used to describe what I have witnessed, I will not
defend Ivan with a blind eye to those whom he hurts, although sometimes
unintentionally.  I know how his PD has something to do with this. I had
episodes prior to surgery where I was a bear, but never, would I not at
least recognize my behavior and apologize.

PD robs us of many things, but it should not rob us of our civility. To
the contrary, it often puts us in our place, but we should not fail to
realize that there are people much worse than ourselves in this world.
I am saddened by the blind defense of Ivan.  I understand we should turn
the other cheek, but what about Ivan. Does he have cart blanche when it
comes to offending others.

I will not go into a laundry list of examples, but there are many times
Ivan has gone past the line of being civil in his treatment of other
people.  I feel I crossed that line the other day, and I am sorry that I
did.  However, I can not condone his behavior. I hope most of you will
understand. I have come to realize we can not please everyone. But, we
should try to be conscious of others feelings. I try, but am not always

Glad to be here!
Greg Leeman