

Dear Marie,
Thank you for your great advice.  I am seeing a neuro (pd specialist) in a couple
of weeks for the first time.  Thanks to you and the many others who have answered
my post, I feel good about my upcoming appt, knowing I have lots of things to
discuss and questions to ask.  I was real apprehensive about this appt until all
of you kind people helped me find solutions.
Just a note for you, Marie.  I have had very bad experiences in the past with
antidepressants, they just dont agree with me so I will heed your advice to a tee
on that one.  I will ask the doc about perhaps a night dose and, by the way, my
husband (when he feels up to it) gives great massages.  Thanks again
Jennifer Smith

[log in to unmask] wrote:

> Dear Jennifer:  My husband has much the same problems you experience.  I share
> some of our approach, simply as something to consider-
>      He's had PD for l2 yr. and from the beginning we realized massage helps.
> It
> just makes him feel better, don't really know if there is med. reasons or long
> term
> affects on progression, but I can feel much of the stiffness and rigidity
> leave him as
> I massage- some days he's "loose" , others tight, but always the contact
> helps.
> It sounds like what you are doing in exercise, showers, etc, is great- I wish
> he had
> the overall energy to do that -I encourage and help all I can.
>      Our reasoning also tells us to keep the Sinimet as even in the system
> over a
> 24 hr. period - so we have always gone to the trouble of taking medication on
> a 6
> hour interval, including 1-2 A.M. .  When he started with a new Neuro- he was
> told
> to drop the overnite dosing, and compress the intervals to 3 hr. - No good for
> him.
> It caused too much fluctuations and he felt terrrible.  Several times and ways
> we
> have tried to wean off the overnite pill, always with bad effects.  We find
> that as
> long as he gets 4 hr stretches of good sleep at a time, overall he feels
> better.  This
> works for us- may not for you but thought I'd give you the input anyway...
>      The depression is something we also have dealt with "together" - a couple
> of
> times Dr. have prescribed mild sedatives but he has found it better to stay
> off the
> medication and deal with it from other aspects of his life.  If you want more
> discus-
> sion about this, let me know - I know many people believe strongly that
> medication
> is the way to go, but pertaining to depression, my recommendation if to keep
> talking and explore the best solutions FOR YOU- my door is certainly open for
> any private discussions- and I feel the list is a great source of help...
>       Hoping this 2cents worth  gives you some  ideas, if nothing else,
> encouragement that  can help you through the nights...
>  Marie