

From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Hey Mary - I meant to send my reply to  you  to the entire listserv - will you
forward it for me?  Thanks  x0x0x0

OK.  Here it is:

From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 05:59:46 EST
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Parkinson's Alliance Meeting

My dear, wonderful friend Mary, It's 5:30 A.M. as I sit, with tears streaming
down my face, reading your eloquent recount of the Alliance meeting in Miami
this past Saturday, Sunday and Monday  AND I WAS THERE!  It was as though I
was reliving it all over again.

It was such a positive, productive meeting with some of the greatest movers
and shakers of the grassroots community!!  We have the energy, enthusiasm,
creativity and plans for programs that I think will raise  public awareness,
education and MONEY to the greatest of heights, moving us, by leaps and bounds
towards the day when none of us have to worry about our children developing
this devastating disese!

I am  about to bust with   excitement for our National Fundraiser to  be
announced   within the next 2 weeks - a fundraiser that every single person
impacted by Parkinson's can participate  in with the greatest of ease and yet
raise a SIGNIFICANT amount of money for research.  WE WILL FUND THE CURE!
I am energized, my faith has been restored and I'm ready to start FUNDING THE
CURE! (as soon as I finish cross-stitching the book mark for someone (?) named

Terrie aka The Yankee Princess, with her newly acquired silver spoon nearby to
stir her morning coffee