

May I ask help for a friend on another list, who is concerned that her pc
is not Y2K compliant?

She is considering getting a new pc for that reason, and another friend
offered the advice below.   Is this really true?  I somehow thought  it
would be more of a problem than she suggests !

Friend B writes to friend A in part:

>Computers themselves are not compliant or not, as far as I can figure out.
>It is the software that is the villain, I think.  And if your software is
>not Y2K compliant, what problems will that cause you?  It will record the
>year as 00 or 01. ......
>But find out just what problems a home computer will have
>if it isn't compliant.  I truly doubt their severity or importance. .....

Any comments will be welcome and will be shared with friends A and B
:-)   Thanks!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 80/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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