

Let me toss a few other tidbits into the stew--1)  It is my understanding that
during a typical meds cycle (focusing on sinemet, of course) we PWP's go from
being undermedicated to overmedicated at peak dosage and back  to
undermedicated.  2)"Normals" have tens of thousands more dopamine producing
neurons than we do, so why don't they become dyskinetic?  the answer must lie
in the pacing, or rate of absorption of dopamine by the cells in the
substantia nigra.  Strictly speaking, then, we PWP's are susceptible to
dyskinesia not because we have more dopamine in our systems than "normals" but
because we absorb dopamine at a faster, more uneven rate in the substantia
nigra than "normals".  I think we're both trying to say this same thing but
with slightly different words.  Another thing I find interesting about this
theory is the implication that although "normals" have so much more dopamine
producing capacity than we do, apparently they use only a fraction of it. abd
possibly in other parts of the brain.