

I received a message from Ivan Suzman yesterday, and he gave me some ideas
which were really helpful that I thought I would pass on to anyone else who
is new to PD, and he also brought up some questions I thought someone else
might be able to answer.
    My neuro has me on the following schedule of meds;
7:00am sinemet (or when my wife can get it to me)
1 hour later,  Mirapex, 1mg
                       Sinemet CR
                       Ultram (for anti-inflammatory)
                       Vicodin for joint pain

4 hours later, same minus vicodin

about 4:00, I need to "boost" with Sinemet

5 to 6:00pm, Mirapex, Sinemet, Ultram

10:00 clonzapam 1mg, and amitriptyline, 50mg

About 10 or 11 pm, my hands begin to curl up, and then legs and I'm "frozen"
until morning
when the sinemet kicks in.

I usually take 1 to 5 pain pills per day, with an average of 2.

Ivan suggested the clonzapam might not be good for someone with pd, and that
I was going too long between Sinemet doses, thus causing insomnia and the
freezing up.   As an aside, he mentioned that when sinemet doses are too
high, you feel hot and sweaty, and when too low, your hands and feet become
cold.  I really found that helpful since my hands and feet literally become
ice cold to the touch when they aren't working.
    Last night I added Sinemet about 11:00pm, and again about 2:00 am, and
it seems to work.  Can anyone else suggest changes I might need to make, and
what about the risk factors associated with the non-pd meds I'm on?  I know
about the dangers of the vicodin, but not the other medicines.  Thanks in
advance for any help or comments,
Bob [log in to unmask]