

I'm posting this again. My mother Joyce (69, 2 years) is taking 15 mg. of
Requip. In an effort to come off    it (the doctor didn't think she needed
it), she was told to skip the 5 mg. evening dose for one week for starters.
After about 3 or 4 days, she was experiencing terrible tremors -- something
she ordinarily doesn't have. She is now back up to full 15 mg. dose.

What I'm wondering is (1) has anyone else had a similar experience coming
off Requip (the way coming off Tasmar seems to cause freezing in some that
didn't freeze before)? Or is there a way of telling whether the Requip has
been benefiting her and coming off it is not a good idea. Any thoughts
would be appreciated. (I'm trying to figure out whether Requip is, in fact,
doing her some good.) As always, thanks.
Debbie White

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