

Leslie and Bill wrote:
> Well here is the update to all on Carmel
> neurologist,  will be paying the price if our attorney thinks we have a
> case. I think it is just a common practice to do the least possible for
> Any comments appreciated.

My opinion:  Bravo for switching doctors and serving as such an effective
advocate for
Carmel.  I am not in agreement with threats of litigation, however.  You
had the power to become informed consumers and the power to effect changes
in Carmel's medical care;  somewhere along the line, one among you chose
the first PCP (the one with the husband as office manager/protector), and
as I see it, shares some responsibility for the quality of care received.

When a doctor/patient or patient/hospital relationship goes sour, I assume
the patient shares some responsibility...there's how the symptoms and
history were presented by the patient & family, how well personalities well as some poor judgment, possibly, on the part of some
physicians, that could be based on any number of factors.

As frustrating or hurtful as it can be to be the recipient of stupid advice
supplied by healthcare providers who we hope would know better, I assume
that the patient generally shares some responsibility for problems.
nurses...any caregiver...are less-than-perfect human beings in some
less-than-perfect situations like all of us.

Rather than a lawsuit, I always make sure that the offender understands
completely the offense and the damage it caused or could have caused.  If I
think I'm not getting through, I may write a letter to advance my position
and send it to others involved in the case.  Under almost no circumstances
would I sue.  (In your case, I may write the PCP to let her know how her
husband is handling things in the office.  Maybe she doesn't know, and
knowing, the two could work through the problem so it doesn't happen
again...)  I write from a position of concern and I write the truth.

Some healthcare providers may preferred being sued???

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