

You're absolutely correct in hypothesizing that "it seems that there are a lot
of different failure modes inside the black box that would manifest themselves
with the same response outside of this black box."  In fact, PD researchers
and clinicians are already otharnto this, and this explains why there are a
variety of different modes and medications that are used to treat PD.  For ex,
sinemet is the old standard which simply (ha!) replaces dopamine in the brain.
But, mirapex acts on receptor sites iin the neurons to promote the absorption
of dopamine, and other dopamine "agonists" act on other receptor sites to
accomplish the same thing.  And drugs like tasmar inhibit the breakdown or
metabolism of dopamine, thus prolonging.  Surgical intervention is another
whole story which I won't even go into but I think you get my point--that
you're on exactly the right track.
Marty Polonsky