

As a lot of you may know, Brig was exposed to the blasting in the Nevada
desert around 60 and 61.  The government has agreed that downwinders and
people who were exposed to radiation that developed certain cancers were
eligible for some compensation.  Not for the money, that would help though,
but we feel that perhaps this may be his key to PD, we have tried many times,
actually for 7 years, to get some answer, but of course, there is none.  They
will admit to nothing even though he was there for one solid year with one
weekend off per month, so I would say he was a captive audience, wouldn't you.
He did develop bladder cancer, the same year PD came about, but that is not
one of the cancers they will recognize.  What else is new.
My thoughts have been and will be that all of us may have been exposed to
something, some people can handle and others can't, hence the appearance of a
disease, but what do I know, that just seems to simple.