

Thank you again, Kathrynne,
I am trying to be prepared.  I will bring up the solvent exposure issue since
this seemed to be of great interest to the doctors who dxed me to begin with.
They felt it was a likely source.  Have read that some people may have a
predisposition toward this.  Just something I read out there somewhere.  I
have also read about the agricultural angle.  I guess few of us will ever know
for sure where this came from but it is hard not to ponder about it.

Kathrynne Holden, MS,RD wrote:

> Jennifer,
> There are some medications that can bring on Parkinson-like symptoms,
> but I have only heard of this happening in older adults. I think it
> would be a good idea to bring this topic up with your new doctor,
> especially in conjunction with the chemical exposure.
> You're doing a great job of preparing for your office visit, good for
> you!
> Best regards,
> Kathrynne
> > I have one other question, for what it's worth.  I am an artist by trade
> > and have had lots of exposure to toxic paints and thinners, solvents,
> > etc.  When my symptoms began, I had been using some paint I was
> > unfamiliar with, thin with denatured alcohol or lacquer thinner.  I have
> > read that PD can be caused by toxic chemical exposure.  Is it possible
> > that this exposure and then a lot of anti psychotic drugs on top of that
> > could have caused my symptoms?  And, if so, is it possible that they may
> > not be permanent or am I just dreaming a pretty, but unrealistic dream?
> --
> Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
> "Nutrition you can live with!"
> Medical nutrition therapy
> Tel: 970-493-6532 // Fax: 970-493-6538
> "If we knew what it was we were doing,
> it would not be called research,
> would it?" -Albert Einstein