

Hi John, Gerry, Jennifer, Bent Willow, "Jackie G, Juelie,
Hilary, Kathrynne, and others,

  Whatever the PD cause, whether it was avoidable or not, has  there has
been some genetic change in every PWP?  If it was the "HDV virus"
(Human Dopamine-Neuralizing Virus) that caused the DDD
(Dopamine Deficiency Disorder) in you, whether called "Young Onset" or
"Common PD", the genetic change that immobilizes tyrosine hydroxylase
from being coded correctly at a particular chromosome site would be
something to identify on your own chromosome map in a screening

Or maybe there is a combination of causes insome individuals, and
chromosome breaks or mutations.

By the way, what do folks think of the VIRAL theory that
I sent to the List early this morning ("Genes, Parkinson's,
Viruses and Research Priorities")?

Did you read parts 1-4 in the list of evidence?
I hope the post wasn't too long to notice the
critical evidence for 'Parkinson's" being VIRAL.
Was this too far into the post to be seen??

Thank you,