

Dear Michael,
    Thanks for sharing that.  I think your advice is good, about seizing the
day.  I can see how easy it is to get hung up on causes and lose sight of
what is at hand.  Thank you.

Michel Margosis wrote:

> Dear Jennifer and Hilary:
> This is just to minimize your apprehension of chemically induced PD.  I
> was a research chemist in various laboratories after receiving my
> degree.  I have been exposed to a great many chemical substances ranging
> from a great many solvents from hydrocarbons to chlorinated and sulfated
> and hydroxylated to polly wolly glycol and all kinds of chemicals
> encountered in an analytical laboratory including fertilizers, polymers,
> naval stores, and all sorts of antibiotics.
> In all my years in the lab, I have never met or become aware of any one
> becoming afflicted with Parkinson. I have had mishaps with different
> solvents like burning my eyes with boiling chloroform, but none of my
> medical problems are due to exposure to various chemicals.
> So, be at ease, and think of how you can better 'seize the day' and
> enjoy whatever you still can.
> Love
> Michel Margosis