

Brab, thanks for the answer.  Just for that, :o), here are a whole bunch
more questions:  How many times have you had collagen injections?  Can you
continue having them, indefinitely?  Are they painful?  How long do you have
to sit still? Is it only months that they last?  Does Medicare pay?  Barb,
Mom is having more and more problems swallowing her pills and drinking
without a straw.  Would the collagen help that, too?
Thanks again,
Sharon Starr, Daughter and CG for Rae  75/50/45  (age now/age dx/age first
Florence,  AZ           [log in to unmask]


>Sharon 'n All.....
>I've had extensive discussion with Dr. Gerald Burke of the UCLA Neck
>and Throat Clinic about the inserts into the vocal cords 'cause I'd
>love to get something that didn't  need redoing every few months as
>I've had to do with the collagen injections.
>Dr. Burke prefers NOT to do the implants on Parkies because our
>disease is unstable - no matter how slowly, our condition DOES
>degenerate and that would mean we'd have to have another set of
>implants (implanted surgically each time).
>FYI>.... Each implant, by the way, is custom hand carved for each
>individual patient by Dr. Burke prior to the surgery.
>I'm aiming (or maybe I should say "nagging AND praying!) to have Dr.
>Burke (thru his RN, who is my contact person in his office) to do the
>implants in my vocal cords, ANYWAY... despite m yy having had PD for
>24 years).
>I've also challenged Dr. Burke to come up with some of device that
>can be implanted AND be adjusted periodically to accomodate vocal
>cord degeneration such as is typlical with Parkinson's.
>I don't think he's taking me seriously - yet - but I'm tenacious, and
>I REALLY, REALLY want that type of permanent device.
>I'll keep posting updates on this issue every so often as things
>happen, but don't expect an answer to the problem tomorrow, huh?
>This isn't  a top priority number in the medical field, I gather.
>Barb Mallut
>[log in to unmask]
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sharon Starr <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 5:38 AM
>Subject: Implants (and help for Mom)
>>Hi, guys,
>>Remember the discussion some time ago about collagen injections and
>the new
>>"little hammer" throat implants?
>>Well, Mom really needs something and I'm especially interested in
>>implants.  Do any of you have more information on them?  Perhaps
>some first
>>hand knowledge?  Our neurologist here in Tucson does not believe
>they are
>>meant for PWP's?
>>Thanks, as always,
>>Sharon Starr, Daughter and CG for Rae  75/50/45  (age now/age dx/age
>>Florence,  AZ           [log in to unmask]