


What you said doesn't seem at all crazy to me.
Via the "stumbling-on-it method, I recently discovered
I no longer felt the tranquil feeling I always tried to have
while preparing to go sleep each nite.

A coupla-three months ago I noticed I felt a subtle,
physically uncomfortable agitation while brushing
my teeth and washing up.  It took me longer to unwind
each nite which I did by reading in bed for half an hour
to 45 minutes, accompanied by a radio talk show or
country-western music.

I noticed a similar agitation when I got an unexpected
incoming phone call which was from someone I hadn't
thought about for a few days and/or expected to speak
with at the moment they called.

It took me a a while to put two and two together (heck -
I never WAS any good at math!) <smile>, but once I did,
I began to experiment on ways to fine-tune my
SUBCONSCIOUS reaction to the EXTERNAL cues that
appear to be the cause of this unwanted and annoyoying aggitation
which in turn bring on some PD symptoms at a
time I'm trying to drift off to sleep.

The phone problem was lessened by subscribing to
my local phone company's "Caller I.D" program and
buying a phone that permits me to see who's calling
me in most cases.  This permitts me to chose NOT
to answer a phone call if I knew the caller would
disturb my tranquility.  I REALLY like this feature... and
it gets a "two thumbs up" from me.

The other few relatively small, but positive, changes I
made was to tune in to classical music instead of a
talk show or country-western music as I was preparing
to go to bed.   WOWIE!!  *THIS*  brought significant relief
of the aggitation I'd been subjected to.

I found when I no longer listened to the talk shows, I no
longer got the stimulous of hearing each day's negative
news... the tragedites, the governmental problems, the
climatic disturances, the street shooting, well, you name it.

When I replaced the country-western music with classical
music there was a  calm feeling... an emotional relaxation..
AND a physical relaxation as well.

Finally, I stopped reading "who-done-its" and other
lively books when I was trying to relax in order to
sleep since I became very involved with the plots,
and felt a compulsion to continue reading all nite till
the book had beem read from cover to cover.  I'm
now saving the exciting books for day-time and early
evening reading (and still continue reading the last
chapter after compleating the third chapter!) <giggle>

These small changes in my life have made a significant
change in my daily comfort level, and all it took was
some thought on the initial problems and a little change
of habit.  The purchase of a new phone service for $6.50
a month and a phone that indicated who was calling was
a relatively minor expense and was well worth it.

Sooooo.... if you're crazy then so am I! (

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Ervin <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: Leg cramps & wear off shaking

>I know this sounds crazy, but with me its real.
>Any stress at all cancels out my medication.  When I watch TV, (at
>end of the day), if the program is stressful, I too will go
>OFF!.  Even reading a stressfull book can render me immobile.
>For me, just talking with me wife or a friend on the phone makes all
>difference in the world.  (As long as it isn't a stress inducing
>Its worth a try to just listen to music one night and see if there
>any difference.