

At 05:28 PM 2/16/99 -0500, Camilla Flintermann wrote:
>I am no scientist, and so am unable to evaluate the scenario Ivan presented
>about the viral origin of PD.  I think it is certainly worth considering,
>along with other approaches, as he makes what seems a very convincing case.
>Thanks, Ivan. for this thoughtful and thought-provoking contribution to the
A pamphlet put out by the NPF, _The Parkinson Handbook_ speaks to the
possible viral cause of PD when it says:
"The worldwide epidemic of encephaliitis in the early 1900's induced
Parkinson-like symptoms, as portrayed in the popular film _The Awakening_.
This epidemic of an atypical inquiry [sic] led to extensive scientific
inquiry into the possibility of a virus as the cause of Parkinson's
disease.  However, there is no substantive evidence for this theory.
Parkinson's disease is certainly not contagious, passed from one person to
another, as one might suspect with a viral agent." (p.6)

Sid Roberts   69/4               Youngstown,Ohio