

Our excellent Floridian correspondent, Ken, has clarified the
"Manatee/Manatea"  issue for me, and in view of the fgeneral interst (?) I
feel it should be shared.
Note that Ken reports the ManaTEEs and set upon by aggressive and surly
speed boaters, and are in danger of extinction as a result.  Barb M. must
then be concerned that there will be a terrible shortage of ManaTEA, which
evidently is what keeps her functioning out there in California.
Personally, the idea of drinking *anything* made from these rather
repulsive looking critters turns me off--sorry Barb. I doubt that even
honey and a LARGE cinnamon  stick would make them palatable--sorry, Gerrit !

Take a look at Ken's post, below, and decide if these "docile and friendly
creatures" really should become a *beverage*"

(as an alternative--would Palmetto bugjuice do?)

Kewn wrote :
>Camilla, you KNEW I could not resist commenting, right?  Well the Manatees are
>really nice critters, and are getting close to extinction, due to boaters and
>the propellors of the boats cutting them up. This is sad, as they are docile
>and friendly creatures...(The Manatees, NOT the boaters, who are often
>aggressive and surly!)
>The Flying Roaches are called Pallmetto Bugs and they do not all fly, just the
>ones that seek out tourists!  They are not as large as the Manatees, but some
>are as big as the boats that run over the Manatees!   Actually, they are
>usually about one to two and a half  inches long, but if you find one in your
>food it SEEMS larger!  (The Palmetto Bugs, not the Manatees, boats, or surly
>boaters!)  The weather here is not too bad, but it did go under 70 degrees
>today, and I was looking for an overcoat!
>I HATE cold weather!  I sit and look at my pool, which is too chilly to swim
>in at this time of year, but we are still able to repair it, clean it, add
>chemicals, and pay for the power to run the pump, even if only Palmetto Bugs,
>Manatees, and tiny insects get to enjoy it!   SO, if anyone was thinking about
>making a trip to Florida, please remember our slogan: "Come back to Miami, We
>Weren't Shooting At YOU!"
> This Tourist Advisory was NOT brought to you by the Florida Tourist Advisory
>or the Chamber of Commerce!
> P.S., I have lived in Florida since 1958 and I really do love it, and it
>really IS a nice place to visit! (My check from the Chamber of Commerce just
>Ken PBS Becker.
>PBS=Palmetto Bug Stomper

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !