

Lisa wrote in part---
> anyone have any words of advice or encouragent for me?
>I had a full blown breakdown , went over the edge and lost control  why?

Dear Lisa----that was about the longest list of traumas, stresses and
problems I've seen for  a while--and here you still are--a survivor!

I think it helps to remember when faced with something like your recent
weeks that stresses don't cancel each other out, or take turns--they build
up, one on top of another, to make the most god-awful "layer cake"
imaginable sometimes.   It sounds like you got a big slice of "cake" with
multiple layers , and yet---here you still are, as I said.   How easy it
would be to see yourself as the *victim* of all this trauma---and PD on top
of it all--but the fact that you ARE still here, and posting to the list,
shows you are  not a *victim* but a true *survivor*.  Actually, I think you
are an inspiration , and I mean that seriously.  I was a counselor for many
years, and I've walked a lot of folks through a lot of trouble, so I know
whereof I speak.

You've had some good advice already onlist, and will get more, but the best
I saw was to be good to yourself--- I would add,  to *believe  that you
deserve it * when something good happens, as it will.
To lose control in the wake of such multiple stresses is only human.
Remember that you can't *control* anyone in the end, except Lisa---and it
sounds as if you are fighting your way back into the driver's seat--- stay
connected, and take care !

CAMILLA  FLINTERMANN           <[log in to unmask]>


{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Here's a BEAR-HUG for YOU !}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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