

Dear Ken,
Don't tell anyone, but I also prefer orange juice (Native Californian).  Sorry to
hear about your unfortunate cookie experience.  That must have left some deep
seated cookie anxiety.  If you ever want to talk to someone about it I would be
happy to listen.  As far as your van,  if it has alot of beach corrosion, I would
forget the draino.  It can also be hard on your upholstery.  Best wishes on
retrieving your van.

[log in to unmask] wrote:

> Jennifer, you are not going to believe this, but I would rather drink a nice
> cool glass of orange juice! I guess us Floridians are a little strange......
> BTW, I tried the Nieman Marcus cookie recipe, but instead of making 112
> cookies, I was able to make a very nice top for my patio table. Unfortunately,
> I spilled some milk on it and it disolved..........Maybe I should have added
> some Drano to the recipe?  Uh oh, I must run, a couple of Palmetto bugs are
> driving away in my van.........uh, will Drano disolve my VAN too?
> Ken