

Time flies, you say, Camilla?
You can't, I say. They go too fast!

Hilary Blue

Camilla Flintermann wrote:
> Gerrit has highlighted the immense possibilities  of this project.  We are
> talking about a potential mega-conglomerate here! But so much depends on
> the cooperation of the frozen fisherfolk in Parkinsaw---and they are
> interested!  I await with the usual "baited" breath further word from them,
> as promised .  I note that if this project is to fly (like the bugs
> themseves) we need to move ahead--Spring will bring an end to ice fishing
> even in the frozen  lakes around Parkinsaw, and the other possibilities of
> the project would then need to be examined.  Time flies ! Bugs fly !  Now,
> Ken, don't fly off the handle , but I do encourage you to get on with it!
> I have yet to hear when the stock will hit the Nasdac ?
> >The thlot pickens!
> >The brilliant KEn - who is becoming notorious for developing marketing
> >abilities on the trot - (like composing the song while singing it) has
> >inadvertently opened another sideline to his business, viz ANT-edepressANTs.
> >Nutrition, Weight Loss etc - I see competition for Herbalife.
> >Gerrit Kleynscheldt
>         ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>
>                           Laughter--    :-)   :-)
>                              the best medecine !