

A certain member of this list has been after me for
months to add Catherine MacRae's website to the PD
webring. I have resisted because I am opposed to any
commercial site, other than Katherine Holden's, being
in the ring. Katherine Holden has put a LOT more effort
into this list than she could ever possibly be paid for
and I have great respect for her work and advice.

MacRae has a fitness video called "Gentle Fitness." The
persuasive member sent the video to me this past week
in hopes that "if you just look at it, you will see how
much good it will do for PWPs." "Sure, whatever," was
my response. The last fitness video I bought was Jane
Fonda's and I only did that so my friends and I, on a
wild, weekend beach party, could burn it. (If you don't
know why, don't ask.)

I just finished viewing MacRae's video. As much as I
hate admitting mistakes, I made one in passing
judgement before watching it. This video is expressly
for folks like us who have mobility problems. No tight
swimsuits, no skinny, young things (sorry, guys)
bouncing around like fleas on cocaine, MacRae made a
video that attends to the physical problems we have.
Her exercises are aimed at the folks who need to go

Balance, coordination, reaction time - she even does
exercises for getting out of chairs and cars. Sitting,
standing while holding the back of a chair, you get the
idea, stuff we PWPs have problems with.

Now, before the watchdogs attack me, know that I am not
making anything off this. NOTHING. I have no financial
interest, no promo interest, etc. I do have an very big
interest in protecting the webring from scam artist and
from those who would like to sell us stuff that we
really don't need. I probably get emails from a
different company every week wanting me to put some
dohicky in the ring. (Last week it was a letter from
some guy in Russia who wanted us to make donations to
his "scientific research into which american (sic) food
that causing (sic) brain damage over all world.")

This is a good fitness video for anyone with "special
needs.". I can highly recommend it because I saw it and
judged it to be very worthwhile for PD folks. Her site
is going in the ring and my apologies are going to the
persuasive list member
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