

I'm 55 and new to the list. I have not been diagnosed with PD but did
tell my Dr. that I thought I had it. That was 3 weeks ago. I can't
believe in 3 weeks how much stronger my symptoms have gotten.

Gee!!! I no longer walk to my window to see why my floor is vibrating.
It is just my feet. It was just my feet vibrating but now it is both
feet and legs. And much stronger in my left arch, like strong electric

For 4 years I have asked my Drs. Why I felt like I was shaking inside.
No one could answer that question. In fact they ignored me.

The need to breathe deeply just started last week. About every 10 or 15
I take a real deep breath and it feels good.

My tremors were not noticeable before but sure are now to the point of
violent shaking
If I try to do something too fast. That scared me!

My shaking was at rest in my right hand the most. Now at rest and moving
in one or both hands.

I had a spinal fusion 2 ½ years ago. That's when I got edema in both
legs from knees down. Water pills helped very little. I discover that
walking made the Edema go down. So stopped the water pills.

Doctor thought I was having a heart attack  1 ½ years ago. I had all the
and they could find no reason for my chest pain.  I kept telling them it
felt like a cramp that actually started in my left side of my neck down
my left arm and across my chest. They just shook their heads.

I have never had many problems with leg cramps until about 2 months ago.
Boy I sure do now!

Now my eyes are a different story. Always have had problems with my
The eye Dr says there is nothing wrong. Went to another one and he put a
In my glasses and seemed a little better for a few months. Now nothing
Blurred and foggy and double it jumps back and forth.

About 2 weeks ago I started having terrible hot flashes. The thing is
I'm on hormones for over a year and they had stopped them. Now I'm
dripping all the time.

My short-term memory is extremely bad. To the point that I don't drive
because I forget where I'm going.

I do have one symptom that bothers me that I didn't see mentioned. Early
in AM and late in evening my Face burns. I mean like severe sunburn and
face turns bright red. It actually hurts. Face feels so hot that it
feels like it will crack. If I put cold cream on it helps.

I have very little saliva in my mouth and no one can figure out why not
even my dentist. Have choked easily for about 4 years, usually on

Have severe Migraines all the time.

Now hears the clincher!! A year ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia,
Polymyalgia, and Giant Cell Arteritis. My Dr. said I can see a
Neurologist but
She wasn't sure they could diagnose PD with everything else that is
wrong with me. Can I get some feed back? Is she right? Do I have too
much wrong with me For anyone to help me? Thank you, Joanne