

Dear Mary Ann, Maryhelen, Stephan and other listmembers,

   I talked with Archbishop Desmond Tutu's office
 twice more. today, at Emory University.  They are VERY
receptive, and distinctly compassionate.

   I am trying to do everything they need, humbly and completely.

  I believe that YOUR e-mail messages to him could be quite helpful.
I feel that placing these messages on our List would be  better
than e-mailing his office directly.  This tactic
 would help me  to know what Listmembers are thinking
about his potential involvement with us.

  I  also mailed him a long, personal letter, which he had requested.
I asked him to do whatever he felt he could do. I emphasized April,
because it is Parkinson's Awareness Month. I wrote about
how truly difficult it is for most of us PWP's to be heard.

 I hope that he can help us visibly. I am actually VERY uneasy
tonight, because I do not want to push.

  I am hoping that I am letting him lead the way.
  I will follow what he tells me to do.  (I know, I know, Ivan the

 So, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am doing this job
sensitively. .

   Ivan Suzman

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999 11:48:05 -0500 "Bent Willow" <[log in to unmask]>
>Ivan wrote:
>> Archbishop Tutu and I talked about World Parkinson's Day, April
>>about ./..(CUT)