


I had a unilateral (one side only) pallidotomy on Oct. 24, 1994, with
outstanding results.  There hasn't been so much as an iota of change
in in the right side of my body since the surgery was performed.  And
that was just a few months shy of five years ago.

IF, at the time I was contemplating having voluntary brain surgery,
I'd been told that relief of the misery I felt was only going to last
2 or so years (and no one ever said that to me, nor have I ever heard
that before) I seriously doubt I would have gone ahead with the
surgery in the first place, no matter HOW terrible I was feeling.
After all, brain surgery is NOT exactly in the same category as
having your tonsils removed!

I was told to expect the benefits from the pallidotomy to last a
pretty near a life time, and I DO except that!

I must admit that it was REALLY my lucky day in having Dr. Gary Heit
of Stanford University's School of Medicine perform the surgery with
Dr. Robert Iacono, of Loma Linda University School of Medicine

These two neurosurgeons are as talented and fine as they come!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: jo young <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: pallidotomy

>I have read that although corrective results can be amazing, said
>corrections may be short lived (2 years or so).  Additional
>is available at: American Parkinson's Disease Asso., 1250 Hylan
>Staten Island, NY 10305  800-223-2732