

Bob, there has been some discussion on the list reguarding low back
pain, a very common problem not only wirh PWP's but everyone. There is
something I am curious about. I think we all have heard that some people
"POP" their neck or low back or somewhere up and down the spinal
column.This results in the release of tension and/or reduction of pain,
or maybe it just feels good. What exactly are we (I am one who pops
their lower back) doing when we do this? I was told by a physical
thearpist that as long as it does not hurt, that it is ok to do this,
esp if it helps. Without diagonising any one person, could you give me
and other list members some information on this practice. Is it
something we should try to do? Is it common for this to help, or should
it be avoided for most back pain sufferers?

Lanier Maddux   62/2   Chattanooga, Tn.