

Dateline:  Parkinsaw, MI

Rumors confirmed:  "Pigs are pretty popular pets in Parkinsaw",
proferred Paul Peterson, proprieter of Pauls Piggery, "probably
primarily because they're playful, plentiful, and if properly pampered
provide parkinsonians with proprietary potential cell parts as well as a
productive, prospective partner."

Of course, that's easy for him to say.

Time to go before my world-class tremor vibrates my computer right off
the table.  I have an uncontrollable urge for a bacon n' egg sandwich,
but will have to get by with melba toast and juice.

Let a smile be your umbella against PD.

John Bjork
60/20 (Big Time Tremor)
Parkinsaw, MI
A View from the Lighter Side