

Hello all again,

Well it appears that it is time to sign off both the hyceph and parkinsn
list since we have been told that Carmel does not have Parkinson"s
Disease and neurologist yesterday explained that she does not have
normal pressure hydrocephalus either.

I took the films from the hospital(which showed hydrocephalus with all
the ventricles except the 4th to be dilated with excess fluid) and the
MRI more recently done, which show no hydrocephalus.

He compaired the two sets of films and said they show the same thing-
brain atrophy which in turn makes the ventricles look  "enlarged" there
is also evidence of multiple strokes, one fairly recent.

So, everything they did at the hospital and evey diagnoses they gave us
was wrong.

Point blank Carm is 80 and she is having TIA's and there are no disease
processes happening here.

So she has lost her apartment, her independance, her privacy, indured
the mental anguish of being told she would have to go to a nursing home
for the rest of her life, by the hospital social worker.

Her family has gone through alot also - because of these doctors and the
insurance company probably dictating their actions.

Thank you all for the assistance and guidance you have given us and I
will keep you all in my prayers.
