

Harold Jones and I  (Harold , I think it was you) were discussing the
small amt. allotted to the NIH this year. Look at the subcommittee on
appropriations. Labor, Health and Human Services and Education. Write,
e-mail or fax these people.  There are committee in the house and  in
the senate. The minority members in the senate have not yet been
appointed. If you do not have internet access E mail me and I will give
you the chairmen's name, actually tell me whose district and what state
you are in.

I cannot type the whole list right , because I fell and hurt a very bad
back , I had before the fall. I am not the the PWP in this house either.
Oh well, it will get better. Please protest this amount (2% ) I will
tell you who is on the committee from your area or who the chairman is.
This is silly I know but I did fall. Please do not ignore this . let the
people know what you want , you get nothing with out asking. PAN assured
me that the president would sign an increase. Nita