

You'll see numerous references to dietary considerations, especially re
protein and you have, on doubt, also seen numerous strategies proposed for
dealing with the problem; however, I''ve never been convinced of the severity
of the problem, based on my own experience, and I've now heard several good
neurologists -- including Mathias Kirth, for whom I have great respect--say
that this is a problem in a relative minority of cases, most of them severe.
I'm not questioning anybody''s  experience and we all know our own bodies
best, and they do not necessarily  follow medical theories in the way they
behave    For example, my medicine seems to be slower after I've had a bog
meal of any kind v when my stomach is empty.  Protein doesn't seem to make
much of a difference. I'm also suggesting that maybe some of us have responded
to the power of suggestion in oedrhaps overplaying the role of protein;;  I
think that I did.  And we do it because we want to wrest some control over
thus damned monster  That's good-but let's keep   our eyes sand ears andf
minds open while we do.
I hoope I  answered your Q; I didn/t mean to get  up on my soapbox.
Marty Polonsky