

Friends - this is very long/wordy..just expressing some feelings re recent

A good thing happened today.

Life is good.  It's worth fight'n for.

Today I saw a brand new baby.

That beautiful little thing gave me a wonderful smile.

She did not seem to care that I could not smile back.

The baby did not seem to expect anything of me.She didn't check my history to
verify I'd beeen good. Or that I hadn't stuck my foot in my mouth as I tend to

She didn't evaluate my worth.

She just gave me her smile --  free. A gift of life.

So now the day's over and I still feel the strength of that smile from that
little person. Amazing such a little thing can seem so important now, when I
used to just think of it as cute,

That smile was ours when we were tiny and new like her It was given to us, to
give to others freely and unconditionally.It was ours to give.

Now, so many of us are losing our smile to PD. Surely, I'm not the only one
who feels the weight of my face muscles pushing down hard, to kill my smile.
It's that darn PD working against us. Tearing down our gifts from from God,
one by one. Our ability to smile. To hug our loved ones. To speak with music
in our voice. I believe PD is something evill. And we must resist it's
oppression. We may win, we may lose. But don't let it trick you. Don't help it
to dismantle our most effective weapon. Don't let it turn us against each
other. Our strength has been our community. I might be sounding religious. If
I am, I don't know where it's coming from because I've never been a church
goer. But I can't help but believe that our only chance against this disease,
is togetherness. Fight bad with good. Imperfect as we are. Hurt feelings and
all. We still need each other. Don't let the demon turn us against each other.
I see people I care about saying stupid things to each other and about each
other.I've done that too. Over the years a a member of this prescious
lifeline, the PARKINSN LIST, I've said some very stupid and hurtful things. I
regret that.I'm still sorry - what I regret most is that at a time when I
still had some ability that I've since lost ..  I could have, and should have
focused that strength more wisely. We're so close to the miracle. What a
tradgedy to let it slip through our hands because we're tooo busy pointing the
finger at reach other. Let it go.. Please let's tolerate each other. We don't
have to be jjoined at the hip with those we find offensive. As long as we work
together we can beat this thing.We must.

Most of what I've read about how we've hurt each other are understandably
painful.That never should have happened. But we can, we must not let the
monster win. Fight againt that weight that's pushing hard against your smile..

We're in it together

Don't let it win
