

And what about the pigs in Animal Farm - Snowball and Napoleon, and Major of
revered memory?
And maybe this is the first time pig cells are becoming humanised, but what
about the
duchess's baby in Alice in Wonderland, that turned into a pig? I wonder if he
will be featured in tonight's NBC movie version of Alice.

Barb_MSN wrote:
> John...
> Kindly inform Doris Bloomquist that she neglected to list the by now
> world famous and much beloved "Babe, " a paragon amongst pigs, in her
> list of "Pig-roll-models.
> Not only  THAT, she totally overlooked my own personal
> favorite-pig-in-the-whole world, "WILBUR," the porcine hero (with a
> bit of help from a tiny spider named Charlotte plus the love of a
> little girl named Fern) of "Charlotte's Web," a book by E.B. White,
> who also immortalized the a spunky and adventuresome mouse, in his
> enduring and endearing novel, "Stuart Little"
> GET REAL, DORIS!   If a pig makes it to HOLLYWOOD not once ("Babe"),
> by TWICE ("Babe, Pig in the City")  with who knows HOW many sequels
> in the offing, then at least here in MY hometown PIGS are at LEAST as
> popular as any OTHER big movie stars, and even MORE so than some
> (Look out Lassie and Rin Tin Tin <and maybe Madona?>, 'cause YOU'VE
> been upstaged by a PIG!) <grinning>
> Barb Mallut
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