


Two weeks ago I sent out a note requesting help for an encyclopedia
article on Rhetoric in Canada that Judy Segal and I were drafting.
Specifically, we asked for help on Francophone Rhetoric.

We've received a number of valuable responses.  Not only did you
collectively identify for us central concerns, you also introduced us to
leading scholars in the field.  Thank you very much for all your

At the same time, I should add apologies for my potentially misleading
request, suggesting to some that our concern for Francophone rhetoric was
simply a brief afterthought.  The whole entry itself is not lengthy, so
brevity will be necessary--but the need for conciseness should not have
been transmitted as the need for brief information from you as colleagues.
Clearly, the more information we have, the better the entry we can write.

In any case, you've all provided us with a bounty, for which I thank you.
Further, I have found the information helpful not only for this entry but
for addressing a weakness in my own knowledge, a weakness I've long wanted
to deal with.  You've given me a valuable beginning.


Henry Hubert

                        Office of the Dean of Arts

University College of the Cariboo    |  Phone:   250-828-5236
P.O. Box 3010                        |  FAX:     250-371-5510
Kamloops, B. C.                      |  E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
V2C 5N3