

I'd definitley like to see some of these courses.  I have assumptions (based
on some preliminary reserach), that these sites tend to be being
theoretically unsophisticated, which I wouldn't mind having dispelled,
though I'm not sure if visiting a site would give a clear indication of
what's going on in the course.  In composition pedagogy research, I've often
seen historians draw conclusions about what's going on in class based on
what textbooks were assigned, whereas the textbook or hand book may have
very little to do with classroom practices.  For example, I always assign a
handbook, precisely because I understand grammar issues as highly
idiosynchratic and rarely discuss grammar rules in class (well, beyond the
basic writing level).  In cases where the web site *is* the course, however,
that might not be the case.  My other question is how are these web courses
adapted or adaptable to the particularly chemistry and rhythms of each
individual class?